The Book “Peace, Love, & Liberty” Translated & Published in Afghanistan


Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization is pleased to translate and publish “Peace, Love, & Liberty” Book into Dari/Persian language for the first time in Afghanistan.

On the event which was held by AELSO and participation of Afghan well-known scholars, academicians, students, civil society activists and politicians in 27th of January 2019 in Kabul, the book officially launched in Afghanistan.

“As Afghanistan is suffering from war and conflict; translation and publication of this book is really important in the country, and we are really happy that by generous support of our donor Atlas Network, we could successfully translate and published this book in Afghanistan. On the translation of this book we tried our best to translate it on the way which will be useable also for the people in Iran and all Persian speaking countries. AELSO is committed to continue its translation and publication of libertarian books in national languages of Afghanistan and we are sure that these academic sources and books can bring peace, prosperity, tolerance and liberty in Afghanistan,” Said Khalid Ramizy, Executive Director of AELSO.

“It is a great honor for me that translation of “Peace, Love, & Liberty” book from English into Dari/Persian Language has been successfully finished and this book is published in Afghanistan. This book is an academic source about promotion of peace and decline of war; and in current situation it addresses many challenges that Afghan society faces. This book has been written with deep analysis about promoting peace and opposing war with consideration of international relations, political science, history, law, sociology, psychology and literature,” Said Mohammad Milad Sekandary, Translator of the book.

“No objective can be moral and justified which involves encroachment over individual right to leave with peace and dignity. When the world starts believing, restoring and following the ideas based on the values of ‘liberty’, the world would be able to rise above ‘fear’ eliminating the very existence of waging war and will further peace and love. This book is an important tool towards the same goal and must reach all young minds in Afghanistan,” Said Dr. Amit Chandra, Member of Centre for Civil Society (CCS) India.


On this event many Afghan scholars talked about the contents of this book and how it can bring peace, tolerance, prosperity and liberty in Afghanistan.

In the next couple of months AELSO is going to organize many views exchange programs for better understanding of the contents of this book in cities Afghanistan.